6 Days Amboseli, Lake Nakuru & Masai Mara safari

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Lake Nakuru


Hotel Type of Vehicle 1pax 2pax 5pax
2 nights Serena Amboseli, 1 night Sarova Lion Hill and 2 night at Mara Chui Lodge Van  Usd2320  Usd1710  Usd1470
Land cruiser  Usd3160  Usd2120  Usd1640


Transport in an 8 seater custom made Tour van with a pop up roof – each person is guaranteed a window seat – Services of a professional English, Spanish, German speaking guides – Game drives as per the itinerary – Game parks or national parks entry fees; – Accommodations in self contained tents/Camps all through – Three meals per day whilst on safari – 1 litre Mineral water per person per day – Complimentary return airport transfers in Nairobi
– Drinks – Tipping — Cultural visits to Maasai villages – costs US$ 25 – Personal effects – Kenya Visas – Hotel accommodation in Nairobi before and after the safari


Tour Plan

pick up from your hotel at 0730 hrs and drive to Amboseli national park arriving in time for lunch at Kibo safari Camp . Afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at Kibo Safari Camp.
Full day in Amboseli with morning and afternoon game drive (optional visits to Masai village). All meal and overnight at Kibo safari Camp Amboseli National park is one of the most popular wildlife sanctuaries in Kenya. It is situated close to Kenya. It is situated close to Kenya- Tanzania border, The Park lies at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa (5,896m) whose snow-capped summit presents a splendid view on clear days. Amboseli National Park is often referred to as “The home of Elephants’ some of the largest Elephant herds are found here. The Game Park also contains vast groups of Zebras, Wildebeests, Giraffes, Buffalos, Hippos and Antelopes. Also to be found in Amboseli are lions, leopards, Cheetahs, Rhinos and many species of plain gamed through thousands of meters of volcanic rock from Mount Kilimanjaro. Animal species seen include elephant, zebra, wildebeest, giraffe, impala and leopard. The birdlife seen here includes pelican, bee eater, kingfisher, African fish eagle and pygmy falcon
Depart Amboseli in the morning Via Nairobi for lunch and drive to the Great Rift Valley viewing sceneries enroute, arriving to the Pink Lake often referred so due to its Great masses of Flamingos. Arrivals are in the early evening and proceed for game drive. Dinner and overnight at Lake Nakuru Lake Nakuru’s claim to fame is anchored on its flamingo’s and the over 400 species of birds found here. The lake itself is a soda lake on the floor of the rift valley. The sight of the at times millions of flamingos is quite spectacular. From a distance the lake appears ringed in pink. The Lake has also earned a reputation as an important haven for endangered species- particularly the Rothschild Giraffe and the black and white rhino. Lions, waterbuck, buffalo and baboons are all residents here
Morning game drive, Watch and photograph Birds and Animals , breakfast and depart for Masai Mara, Arrive in time for lunch. Afternoon game drive is taken. Dinner and overnight at camp/lodge
Full day in Masai Mara. Morning and afternoon game drive. Meals and overnight at camp/lodge The Mara offers wildlife in such variety and abundance that it is difficult to believe: over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. You will easily see lions, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, giraffe, wildebeests, zebras, buffalo, warthogs, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, buffalo, leopard, many kinds of antelopes and elephant. It is in the Mara that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place. This is the annual migration of millions of wildebeest and zebra from the Serengeti (Tanzania) in search of water and pasture. Following on their heels are the predators of the savanna- lion, cheetah, wild dog, jackal, hyena and vultures
Morning game drive then return to the campsite for breakfast .We drive to Nairobi where the safari ends to arrive by 1400 hrs..


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